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2024-03-26 16:11:05

Google plans to release a Chrome version optimized for Windows on Arm this week, two months after Canary testing; Arm PCs previously ran an emulated x64 version (Jon Porter/The Verge)
2024-04-27 08:51:18

Oooh - loving the new feed reader in Vivaldi!

Vivaldi address bar shows an icon if a website has an RSS feed available. Nice!
and the feed reader allows you to choose how often it updates, from 30 mins (good for news) to weekly, good for youtube channels!
2024-04-29 21:20:32

FCC fines carriers $196 million for selling customer location data
2024-04-25 14:21:16

Nieuwe Kamerbrief over netsituatie in (met name) Utrecht:
- Slechts 2% deelname van grootafnemers aan congestiemanagement (dan lijkt me de stelling dat dit "aantrekkelijk kan zijn" niet op gaat. Ik lees niet hoe het aantrekkelijker gemaakt wordt, wél hoe het afgedwongen gaat worden)
- Geen aandacht voor demand-side flexibility anders dan bij die grootverbruikers. Wél veel aandacht voor gas-opwek en batterijen.
2024-04-26 20:05:51

Are you a Linux Wayland user who has hit an issue where #VivaldiBrowser is just black on startup after the 6.7 update?
We now have added a potential fix in the latest Vivaldi snapshot. In addition, there are pre-release versions of an update to the stable stream for you to try.
2024-03-25 08:09:29

"[...] Dass man es in München nach 14 Jahren Überschreitung eines - nach World Health Organization - ehedem viel zu hohen #Grenzwerts immer noch nicht geschafft hat, rechtmäßig zu handeln, ist absurd und mit #rechtsstaatlichen Standards unvereinbar."
Remo Klinger auf LinkedIn…
2024-04-17 04:33:00

Mittwoch: US-Spionage nach Stasi-Methoden, Meta-Untersuchung wegen KI-Deepfakes
Stasi-Paragraph in den USA Metas Vorgehen bei KI-Bildern Interview mit Browser-Hacker Unterwasserroboter wie Meeresschildkröte Details der PS5 Pro
2024-02-14 16:43:03

Interesting version number for Valentine’s.
I promise I did not plan that

Screenshot of Vivaldi Browser snapshot blog post for today. The version number is 3269.3 (with 69 highlighted).
2024-02-28 07:28:49

Novel spectral methods for shock capturing and the removal of tygers in computational fluid dynamics
Venkata Sai Swetha Kolluru, Nicolas Besse, Rahul Pandit
2024-02-25 17:22:37

So sick of Microsoft adding mystery meat buttons to the Edge browser! Here's how to remove the latest sidebar button. I never want to use the sidebar!